This link spells out exactly what you need to do if you suspect child abuse in the Archdiocese.
Youth must be under adult supervision at all times. Chaperones are expected to support the parish leadership in providing supervision of the youth.
It is recommended that parish Youth Ministers and Chaperones review the Code of Conduct and expectations in compliance with the Archdiocese of Atlanta’s safe environment policies to ensure safety and cooperation.

Important Documents
Renewing the Vision - this is the latest framework for Catholic Youth Ministry published by the USCCB.
Christus Vivit - Pope Francis’ latest exhortation on young people and the church.
The OED Newsletter shares news, resources and events that are pertinent to anyone working in youth ministry, faith formation and evangelization in parishes.
Whether you need materials to supplement your existing youth ministry program or a comprehensive framework for guiding young people on their faith journey, EQAccess™ has the tools and experience to help you succeed.
See more information here.

Same-Sex Attraction / Gender Identity Discordance
USCCB – Visit the USCCB website for resources on ministry to persons who experience same-sex attraction. For additional Church teaching on sexual identity and the meaning of human sexuality and marriage, visit here. These resources are intended for ministry leaders.
Courage International – A Roman Catholic apostolate for adult men and women who experience same-sex attractions and for those who love them. As an apostolate directed to adults, youth ministers can find helpful information but should be mindful that the apostolate does not serve those under the age of 18. EnCourage is an apostolate specifically for family members and friends of those experiencing same-sex attraction.
Eden Invitation – This apostolate is intended for young adults who experience same-sex attraction or gender identity discordance. Eden Invitation may be helpful for youth ministry leaders but is not an apostolate directed to persons under the age of 18.
Person and Identity – A compilation of resources for leaders on responding to gender identity discordance and on addressing topics related to gender ideology. Resources are intended for parish and school leaders as well as for parents seeking more information. The website is not intended for youth or as a first response in pastoral care for youth and their parents.
For counseling resources, visit here.
Online Resources
Free games, online articles, and blogs
Social Media Suggestions for Today’s Digital Teen compiled by Holy Trinity Youth Ministry
A checklist for overnight events that Youth Ministers or Core Members can use as a reference.
If you are on retreat and need extra priests to hear confessions or say a mass, this is a list of who is willing to lend a hand.
Although it is not required, a small offering is usually given for their time.
​Joey Martineck, Director of Respect Life Ministry, leads us through three sessions further explaining and exploring Pope St. John Paul II’s Theology of the Body. If you’ve ever wanted to know what TOB is all about, listen to these sessions. Recorded November, 2020.
2. Part 2
3. Part 3
Sometimes we need a speaker for an event or a retreat, but our budget is next to nothing. I know there are some youth ministers in the Archdiocese that have given talks in the past who would be happy to help you out!
If you are interested in offering to speak at an event or are looking for one, please fill out the Google Sheet with your information.
A list of retreat centers and camp sites which parishes have used in the Archdiocese of Atlanta over the years, compiled into a usable database.
Resources to use in multicultural ministry and multi-parish ministry.
Various scholarships and grants provided for qualifying youth events and additional areas of potential need.
​To place a bulk order of YouCat at a discounted rate, please contact Ignatius Press and tell them you are a church with the Archdiocese of Atlanta.
Ignatius Press
www.ignatius.com – 1-800-651-1531
Discount amount: 20%
Each year, the Atlanta Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women (AACCW) hosts a recognition mass for both an outstanding youth and an outstanding woman from the parishes in the Archdiocese.