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Electronic Library Resource

The OFD Resource Collection is an online database of materials in the Office of Formations and Discipleship’s Resource Room. Please click the link to access the database

Resources for Youth Ministry in our collection:

Exploring YOUCAT is a course based on the YOUCAT, the new Youth Catechism of the Catholic Church, written in the language of our youth.  Fr. John Sims Baker of Vanderbilt, Fr. Tony Stephens of the Fathers of Mercy, and Fr. Jim Kelleher will all three guide you through the inner workings of the YOUCAT expanding upon and preaching upon some of the most important questions and topics posed.  These online videos are made possible by Newman Connection. 

To whom will I entrust myself?  How will I know if another person is worthy of my love?  Worthy of my trust?  How will I know if I am worthy of another’s love and trust?  This course explores John Paul II’s understanding of as self-gift, loving through our bodies and doing it in the context of living for our families, our society and our culture.  These online videos are made possible by Newman Connection. 

Curriculum and Programs

Youth Ministry Access (Center for Ministry Development)
Subscribe to Youth Ministry Access on CMD and use the code “YMA-ATL
to receive a 20% discount
  • Designed especially for Catholic youth ministry leaders in parishes, schools, retreat centers, camps—wherever young people gather in community as young disciples.

  • For middle school youth ministry and high school youth ministry

  • Provides more than 70 new gathered programs and non-gathered strategies each year

  • Includes catechetical sessions for high school youth, correlated to the U.S. Bishops’ document: Adaptation of Doctrinal Elements of a Curriculum Framework for the Development of Catechetical Materials for Young People of High School Age.

Spirit Online (Sisters of St. Joseph)
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